
Are you going through a complex phase or a transition in your life right now? Would you like to feel the strength and confidence of having your values, body and emotions fully aligned?

a close up of a cluster of crystals on a blue background
a close up of a cluster of crystals on a blue background

What is coaching? 

Coaching is a collaborative process that enables clients to gain a deeper awareness and understanding of themselves and empowers them to make choices and set achievable and meaningful goals.

The coach offers tools, reflections and guidance in order for the client to build their own resources, what I like to call our inner gem. We all have incredible resources inside us but sometimes we need help polishing them in order to let them shine to their full potential. The coach's job is to keep you accountable, focused and motivated, the rest is up to you! 

What can I support you with? 

It all depends on you and your goal!

My approach combines the scientific evidence-based interventions of Positive Psychology and the experimental empiric approach of Embodiment Coaching. But I will employ and blend of all my learnings and experience to offer you the tools that specifically serve your needs. Together we can create a path to: 

  • identify and clarify your specific goals and break them into achievable steps

  • become more connected to your body

  • learn about your strengths and how to embody them in your daily life

  • cultivate resilience to face difficulties with an attitude that serves you

  • understand your emotions as information without overwhelm

  • develop a positive mindset based on hope and growth

  • improve the quality of your relationships with kindness and clear boundaries

a tree that is growing out and its big roots
a tree that is growing out and its big roots

How it works?

  • Start by booking a free discovery call where we get to know each other, understand your goal and see if we are a good match.

  • Each session is 60 mn and begins with an agenda for the day.

  • We explore your topic with questions, brainstorming and exercices. For example, a session can include gentle movement, posture, breath or visualisation...

  • We finish the session with establishing accountability and defining some practice for you to experiment on your own in order to reach your goal. 

a sparkler in a sunset
a sparkler in a sunset